From The Hacker News – Experts Warn of Severe Flaws Affecting Milesight Routers and Titan SFTP Servers

From The Hacker News – Experts Warn of Severe Flaws Affecting Milesight Routers and Titan SFTP Servers

A severity flaw impacting industrial cellular routers from Milesight may have been actively exploited in real-world attacks, new findings from VulnCheck reveal. Tracked as CVE-2023-43261 (CVSS score: 7.5), the vulnerability has been described as a case of information disclosure that affects UR5X, UR32L, UR32, UR35, and UR41 routers before version that could enable attackers to access
From The Hacker News – CERT-UA Reports: 11 Ukrainian Telecom Providers Hit by Cyberattacks

From The Hacker News – CERT-UA Reports: 11 Ukrainian Telecom Providers Hit by Cyberattacks

The Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA) has revealed that threat actors "interfered" with at least 11 telecommunication service providers in the country between May and September 2023. The agency is tracking the activity under the name UAC-0165, stating the intrusions led to service interruptions for customers. The starting point of the attacks is a reconnaissance phase in
From The Hacker News – Warning: Unpatched Cisco Zero-Day Vulnerability Actively Targeted in the Wild

From The Hacker News – Warning: Unpatched Cisco Zero-Day Vulnerability Actively Targeted in the Wild

Cisco has warned of a critical, unpatched security flaw impacting IOS XE software that’s under active exploitation in the wild. Rooted in the web UI feature, the zero-day vulnerability is assigned as CVE-2023-20198 and has been assigned the maximum severity rating of 10.0 on the CVSS scoring system. It’s worth pointing out that the shortcoming only affects enterprise networking gear that have